
Article in H2 Magazine about DH2 Energy in Portugal
In this article DH2 Energy’s investments and projects in Portugal are showcased. DH2 Energy’s initiative VVR Green H2 for the production of renewable hydrogen in Vila Velha de Ródão is especially highlighted in the article.

DH2 Energy sponsored the I National Green Hydrogen Congress
There was over 900 participants in this first edition that took place in the city of Huelva (Spain) in February

Marcos López-Brea, DH2 Energy: “Scale is essential for the competitiveness of renewable hydrogen”
DH2 Energy is the largest developer of renewable hydrogen projects in Spain DH2 Energy’s General Director, Marcos López-Brea, highlighted the potential for renewable hydrogen in the Spanish region of Castile-La Mancha and spoke about DH2 Energy’s projects in the...
Press releases
DH2 Energy a winner in the first European renewable hydrogen auction
Madrid, 2nd of May 2024 – On Tuesday April 30th, the European Commission announced the projects that have won the European Hydrogen Bank’s first competitive auction to provide financial support for renewable hydrogen projects and DH2 Energy’s project Hysencia located...
DH2 Energy is the largest independent green hydrogen developer in Spain
Madrid, 10th of October 2023 – DH2 Energy is the largest independent developers and producers of renewable hydrogen in Spain with the greatest pipeline of projects at various stages of development, according to the first national Hydrogen Project Census, conducted by...
HyDeal España, the world’s largest integrated renewable and competitive hydrogen hub
HyDeal España is the first industrial implementation of the HyDeal Ambition platform, which was recently ranked by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as the largest giga-scale renewable hydrogen project globally . HyDeal España will manage the...