A pioneering company

DH2 Energy is one of the largest developers of renewable hydrogen projects in the Iberian Peninsula.

The development of the first project started in 2018 and DH2 Energy is now one of the main actors in the development and production of renewable hydrogen in the Iberian Peninsula.

We also have a strong presence in Mexico, where a local team is based. We have activities in other markets as well, such as France and Uruguay.

Our headquarters are located in Madrid, Spain. DH2 Energy’s team has grown now to over 45 people.

DH2 Energy is one of the founding partners of PlatformCo Hidrógeno that aims to provide green hydrogen to large industries in the north of Spain. DH2 Energy acts as the developer of the projects within the framework of PlatformCo Hidrógen.

Currently we hold a pipeline of renewable hydrogen projects of around 15 GW at different stages of development.



We put special emphasis
on working with local actors in the
development of the projects.
We care about the environment and
we support the economy



DH2 Energy develops its own projects and collaborates with other solar developers and electrolysers manufacturers to produce green hydrogen. Projects are large (GW scale) and energy production and electrolisis take place at the same location, where the energy is cheaper and water is available. Actors of the value chain are integrated in the frame of the projects.

Off-take and use

DH2 Energy designs solutions for clients users of green hydrogen in the industry (chemical products, steel), energy and transportation (cars, trucks, trains, sea transportation) sectors, delivering a competitive alternative to oil, natural gas and coal.

Transmission and storage

It is essential to match generation and consumption, that might be significantly away from each other, with users that expect a delivery at a low cost. DH2 Energy collaborates with operators of the natural gas transmission that look to warranty sustainability of their business through the conversion of part of their transmission infraestructure to a mix of methane, hydrogen or pure hydrogen.


DH2 Energy collaborates with banks and capital investors to design the most profitable contractual structures in order to reduce risks and maximize the creation of value. DH2 Energy works with the main financial institutions in a spirit of long term association.

A unique proposal of value


Energy source

Hundreds of competitive GW of solar projects are ready for construction in Southern Europe and Northern Africa.


Infraestructure of transmission and storage
Thousends of kilometers of gas transmission and TWh of salt caverns are ready to be converted to hydrogen (mix and pur hydrogen).


Energy demand
without carbon
Energy users in whole Europe ask for a competitive and carbon free energy.


Zero carbon investment

Investors and banks are eager to hedge to protect their investments from carbon risk.

The path to parity with fossil fuels:



Solar and electrolyser gigafactores very competitive

Our team

Philippe Esposito

Philippe Esposito

President & Cofounder of DH2 Energy


Entrepreneurship, strategy, management, investment

“Being a leader in the energy revolution towards a better world and making the earth a better place”

Olivier Crambade

Olivier Crambade

CEO & Cofounder of DH2 Energy


Developer of large-scale solar projects, investment, strategy, team management and entrepreneurship

“Benefiting of the versatility and ubiquity of green hydrogen to achieve a global energy economy without carbon”

Marcos López-Brea Baquero

Marcos López-Brea Baquero

General Director of DH2 Energy

A talented team

DH2 Energy’s team has a wide experience in the renewable energy sector and the energy transition.

At DH2 Energy we work as a team to achieve a carbon neutral economy

  • Headquarters in Madrid
  • Office in Mexico City
  • Representations in other international markets

Since DH2 Energy started around 2018, it has grown to a team of over 45 high skilled professionals. Our team has a wide experience in the development of renewable energy projects, design and engineering, project management and financing.